Disney Dreamers Academy Celebrates 15 Years of Dream-Making at Walt Disney World Resort



    I was there that day. It was more than a decade ago, 15 years to be more precise, when we here at Walt Disney World Resort first opened our arms and welcomed a group of talented young teens from across the country for an innovative new mentoring program we called Disney Dreamers Academy.

    I remember seeing the wide-eyed look on their faces as they arrived, eager but unsure of the immersive mentoring experience that, in a sense, was about to change their lives. Just think, many of those same faces in that first program, and ones in the subsequent groups that followed each year, today are doctors, engineers, performing artists, humanitarians and more. Lucky enough for us, a couple of them have even become Disney cast members.

    • Disney's Dreamers Academy
    • Disney's Dreamers Academy

    That, of course, has been the goal of the program all along – nurture, foster and develop the career aspirations of hundreds and hundreds of teens around the country, particularly Black students and those in underrepresented communities, by helping them do the one thing we do here at Walt Disney World Resort every day: Dream.

    • Disney's Dreamers Academy with Steve Harvey and Essence Magazine
    • Disney's Dreamers Academy

    They are immersed in vibrant career workshops, networking sessions and mentorship events led by business executives, community leaders and celebrities who take the career aspirations of these students and supercharge them in ways they probably never imagined.


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