Despite his death in the opening moments of Avengers: Infinity War, Loki reappeared as part of the Avenger team’s time heist. Our beloved World’s Mightiest Heroes time travel back through their own pasts to intercept the Infinity Stones, but in a skirmish, they lose the Space Stone to the spiteful trickster who picks it up, and warps right out of sight!
Hot Toys is thrilled present blogger photos of 1/6th scale Loki collectible figure from the Avengers: Endgame collection series.
Crafted based on the image of Tom Hiddleston as Loki in the movie, the figure features a newly head sculpt, finely tailored costume with screen authenticity, highly-detailed weapons and accessories including a long scepter, a short scepter, a pair of daggers, a Tesseract, Loki’s gold helmet, a muzzle, a pair of handcuffs and a movie-themed figure stand.
Revisit the scenes with the stunning images and if you would like to order one to add to your collection please click here.